Chamori Love Potion

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Maga'Saina Mataknga

Ancient Chamori  Love Potion
The ancient people of Guahan aka Hacha'Moris or  Taotaomo'nas developed a very special and potent concoction, called: Agimat or
Love Potion, which was used in the Sacred Ceremony
of Hacha'gua to cement the bonds of love between a Palåo'an (woman)
and a Låhi (man). The Agimat was also used as a therapeutic remedy to
advance the holiness of the bonds of Hacha'gua, particularly with
long-time partners and can be considered an annual testimonial. The
Agimat recipe was very sacred for the Taotaomo'nas that it has
been protected for thousands and thousands of years.
The Maga'Saina, keeper of the sacred recipe was forbidden from dispensing the Agimat concoction to any outsider or unmarried member of the Chamori Clan. This was the greatest taboo in the islands.

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