Royal Turtle Soup
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The       newpage43_small.gif (2462 bytes)
Ancient Chamori Royal Wedding

free_p1_small.gif (9780 bytes)  Royal Recipe
Ancient Chamori Turtle Soup
"Kaddon Haggan"

The Taotaomo'nas of Guahan held an affinity and kinship with the Sacred Haggan. The blood of the Haggan was preserved as a remedy for numerous ailments. The head of the Haggan was preserved as an ornament and displayed on their Proas. The Hard shell of the Haggan had many uses, such as: cookware or pot, money, and alåhas or jewelry. And the meat of the Haggan, if cooked in rich coconut milk and mango' or yellow ginger was considered an aphrodisiac.

1 lb. fresh haggan (turtle) meat, cubed.
2 cups fresh coconut milk.
2 Chamori green onions, chopped.
10 each donne' (hot wild peppers)
1 whole lemon or 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice.
1/2 cup diced mango' (yellow ginger).
4 cups water.

Boil haggan (turtle) meat until soft and tender.
Add onions, lemon juice, donne' (Hot pepper) and Mango' (yellow ginger).
Cook for at least 30 minutes more at medium heat.
Add coconut milk and simmer.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Serves Four.

Pugua' International Corporation
1050 Bishop Street, Suite 200
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Tel: (808)247-8742


