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 The Chamori people of Guahan, Rota, Tinian and Saipan were matriarchal, which meant the women were “da boss”. We had Queens instead of Kings. People born in the islands were named in relationship to their maternal line. Example: Figan, lahin Chichirika or Figan, the son of Chichirika.

The 13 sacred rituals of the Chamori Royal Wedding focused entirely on the woman.

An ancient chant detailed how the Chamori men lost the battle in Tinian and ultimately the war against the Spaniards in the Spanish-Chamori War of 1695.....because there were no women to lead them.

Next time you read about family violence and abuse against women.....think about utopia and the paradise Chamori islands where women were adored, cherished, loved, respected and revered.....Biba Chamori!

Norbert Perez

Princeton University (1996)


